Experience Freedom

Your Stirring Spirit is not by Accident . . . It's a Calling


Welcome to my Blog

There comes a time in life where your spirit stirs and you discover a tear in your heart with unsettled questions.  In the physical world, people call this a “mid-life crisis”, but in the inner essence it is your “mid-life calling”.  Our culture has responded by desparately seeking answers to a fulfilled, balanced, and happy life with Well Being initiatives.

This blog is a real life, day-to-day synopsis of self discovery and truth.  I have been called to give up a successful career in a top 10 “Fortune 100 Best Company” and discover what it’s like to set myself apart and Be Still.  I will intentionally take uncertain – bold – and risky steps to remove distractions, quiet the noise, and listen to my inner soul.  Most people don’t know how to Pause in the midst of the storm, instead they resolve by compounding an already buried schedule.  I take a different approach in hopes that one day I could bless others, by paying the price today to sow the seed for our tomorrow.`

You must believe that there is something greater than yourself in the world.  What if your “crisis” is a calling to let you know that you have fully matured in your physical abilities, and now you are chosen to surrender your flesh and heart to reach its fullest potential?  I invite you to hold my hand and walk side by side with me these next 8 weeks to un-captivate your heart and discover what it’s like to live FREE.

How to recognize a Mid-Life Moment?

People call this moment a “crisis” because it is a battle between your “identity and self confidence”.  They are tired of proving themselves to the world.  This emotional tension typically results in radical lifestyle changes.  In the emotional sense, some people experience depression and anxiety, while others seek physical satisfaction by investing time and money in looks or material gain.

In a Huffington post article posted in 2013, Facebook fans were surveyed and identified 7 signs of a mid-life crisis:

  1. When you start panicking about health issues
  2. When you start to have more questions than answers
  3. When you compare yourself more and more to others
  4. A sudden acknowledgement of the passing of time
  5. A sudden urge to do something big
  6. Greater observations 
  7. A desire to feel better, lose weight, and look younger

Is it a Crisis or Purpose?

In January 2016 the stirring started, and I battled and reasoned all year with the flesh and spirit.  My body craved for comfort while I delayed in the familiar, but my spirit kept nudging me to the unknown.

I was unhappy at work and I conceived a critical spirit.  I bitterly blamed others for my un-well being and lack of work/life balance.  I was extremely irritable for investing all my time and energy in a multi billion dollar company while my kids and husband were unattended to at home.  I felt stuck.  Although I did not have my priorities straight, I did what I was taught to do — to suck it up.  I suppressed those feelings deep down in my gut as far as I could, and day after day I continued to live in unrest for the next 15 months.

The Response

After managing the roller coaster ride for a while, I realized that I was surrounded by amazing people and my feelings were self imposed.  The roller coaster involved praying every morning and re-shaping my routine to unravel more of what was going on in my core.  I wept in desperation to understand, I read book after book to acquire wisdom, and I did the best I could to free up time on my calendar to sit in His presence.

After 450 days of stirring, I woke up one day and realized that God was calling me to something greater than myself.  He gradually took away the passion I once had to re-direct my focus and attention on the new path.  If there is one thing I knew, it was that God was going to fulfill His promise with or without me because His promise is so much greater than me.  He would however prefer that I get on that train so that I could quickly start the work ahead of me.  I recognized at that moment I was in His hands and if I follow His lead, I will be provided for.  So I jumped on that train and little by little I am throwing things off of it.  He calls me to live out who I say I am and I choose to walk with Him.

What is the Reward?

Come hold my hand and let’s find out together!